A girl who has positive self-talk, who knows and appreciates her
strengths and values, and who is
positive and grateful,
is a girl who has a strong foundation in place for a
successful and happy future.

The Butterfly Program is a course which teaches middle school girls how to
build confidence, manage stress, navigate friendships and strengthen resilience.
There are 6 Classes in The Butterfly Program.
Class 1 & Class 2
Self Confidence Inside
1) Strengths/Values 2) Negative Self-Talk 3) Grit 4) Optimism/Gratitude
Self Confidence Outside
1) Body Image 2) Healthy Habits 3) Body Language 4) Comparison Traps (Social Media)
Class 3 & Class 4
Managing Stress
1) Breathing 2) Perfectionism 3) Worry 4) Stop and Swap
Class 5 & Class 6
1) Friends 2) Mean Girls 3) Boys 4) Family
My quest for teaching self-confidence began when my daughters reached the age when my negative self-talk started to show up —in middle school. I noticed some of my daughter's friends making negative comments about themselves. I could remember making similar comments about myself, when I was their age. Having decades of perspective made my heart truly ache for these young girls. I remember very clearly the intensity of those awful feelings towards myself and I am passionate to help young girls by teaching them all I have learned.